1997, May
Red Bank Oaks Vote by Mail May 1997
Landowner Positions for Extending Power Lines to Properties SUMMARY: (The following excerpt provided from the 24 May 1997 Meeting Minutes):
During this meeting property owner LANDOWNER shared with us what he’d been able to find out about getting electrical power to Red Bank Oaks. He spent many hours on the phone with numerous people. Here is some of what he found out: January 1998 or later, there will be a deregulation on electrical power. When this happens we could find an Electrical Co. who’d be interested in setting us up. It would probably take 2 to 3 years before we are on line for power. If we are serious about having power brought out here many months of work would need to be done to get the ball rolling. Some items needing to be done are as follows: Work with Power companies, Tax Districts, etc. A Business Plan would need to be put together. Contracts would have to be done. We aren’t even sure of the cost at this time. We have monies set aside for this project, however should additional money be needed (est $1200.00 to $1500.00) we need to know who is interested in having power and who is not. If majority of owners are not interested we will not continue any further. A ballot will be sent out prior to next meeting for your response.
VOTING CARD (ballot): (The following provided from the 24 May 1997 Meeting Minutes):
Electrical Power Yes or No
Owner Name ________________________________________________
RESULTS: (The following excerpt provided from the 4 October 1997 Meeting Minutes):
The meeting was adjourned to enjoy a Bar-B-Que put on by The Sausage Factory.
There was one item that was not discussed at the meeting and that was on Electrical Power Yes or No.
Out of 65 letters sent out on this subject we only received 23 responses.
Yes pay extra Yes no add’l pay No power Need add’l Info 8 6 7 2
We needed majority of the homeowners to be interested in power in order to continue with this enormous project. We did not receive that interest. This project will go no further. BREAKDOWN:
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Red Bank Oaks Property Owners' Association