1989, October 21
Red Bank Oaks Meeting Notice 21 October 1989
Red Bank Oaks Property Owner’s Association P.O. Box XXXX Pioneer, California 95666 Ph. XXX-XXX-4995
October 1, 1989
Dear Property Owners,
The year of 1989 has passed so fast that we wish it were longer, but it is time for our fall barbecue and election of Board Members again. It will be held at the home place by the newly repaired barn on Balis Bell Road on October 21, 1989 at 1:00 pm.
We will have a delicious barbecue following the meeting at 2:30 pm. Be sure and make reservations by Wednesday, October 18th by calling (XXX) XXX-4905 or mailing the following notice.
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There will be ______ people in our party that will attend the barbecue on October 21, 1989 at 1:00 pm.
Owner _____________________________________________
Address _____________________________________________________________
Phone __________________________________ |
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Red Bank Oaks Property Owners' Association