2007, October


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Meeting Minutes

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6 October 2007

1)  Call to Order

Time:  1:55 P.M.

2)  Approval of Agenda (Add-Ins or Deletions)

Add-Ins or Deletions:  The date was corrected to reflect the current year, and agenda items #10 and #11, nominations for the board of directors and voting for the board respectively, were added in.  These last two are an important part of every fall meeting.

Motion:  To approve the add-ins to the agenda.

Motioned by LANDOWNER; Seconded by LANDOWNER

Ayes:  21            Nays:  0

3)  Treasurer’s Report

Profit & Loss:

The treasurer’s report shows the status as of August.  Since this report was printed, the second half of the grazing lease payment was received.  We’re now earning interest on the money in the electric fund, as it is in a money market account.  This year we earned approximately $2100.  All of the interest goes directly back into the electric fund.  There is approximately $900 left in the general fund that could go to road maintenance.


Balance Sheet:

The $95 under the Accounts Receivable category was for a fencing assessment that was paid at closing when a property changed hands.  The voluntary road fund started by LANDOWNER holds $100.  LANDOWNER still owes for the generator.


Profit & Loss Budget vs. Actual:

The budget is taken from last year’s actual expenses.  Expenses have been normal.  Though we show approximately $2900 left in the general fund, $2000 must be reserved for ordinary budgeted expenses.  This leaves approximately $900 which could be devoted to road maintenance.

4)  Discuss and Approve Funds to Be Expended on Road Maintenance for the 2007-2008 term

We have a total of $1000 that can be spent on road maintenance.  $900 of that can be rolled over to next year if we so decide, but the $100 in the voluntary road fund must be spent or returned to the original contributor.  Kim Rowe suggested that we need to do some light grading work to smooth out divots and that we need to clean out the run-off areas to the side of the road.  Several individuals asked how much this would cost.  Others answered that one truck and trailer, without rock, would cost about $440.  There is a problem with the road in the SW corner, also there is a pine tree down on Lewis Flat road, with a chunk of the tree on the ground.  LANDOWNER asked if those who volunteer to clean up the wood can keep the wood.  Kim Rowe replied yes, since the wood is on the road (on the easement) but cautioned against taking any wood from trees off of the road, since this wood belongs to the owner of that particular piece of property.

LANDOWNER asked if we can roll over the road maintenance fund to next year, but Kim said that this is not possible – we just have to write checks back to the landowners who originally contributed to the fund if we do not use the money on road maintenance.

Motion:  To roll over the $900 to next year since we have so little money.

Motioned by LANDOWNER            Seconded by LANDOWNER

Ayes:  17            Nays:  3            Abstentions:  1

Some further discussion ensued.  Someone asked how much grading costs?  The answer was ~3-4 hours for ~$900.  David Weston said that we may actually have more than the $900, and Kim Rowe suggested that we wait until April to discuss further.  This agenda item will be on the April agenda.

5)  Discuss and Approve Implementation of Annual Road Maintenance Assessments

LANDOWNER asked if we could get a quote on the annual cost of road maintenance amortized over several years.  Kim Rowe suggested that we wait until April to discuss this further, since the landowners had already voted to roll over the current funds until next year.

Motion:  To defer this discussion until the April meeting.

Motioned by David Weston            Seconded by LANDOWNER

Ayes:  20            Nays:  1

6)  Discuss Security of Red Bank Oaks Main Gates and “Texas” Gates

Kim Rowe spoke about how the front gate is association-owned, and emphasized that the combination is sent in the mail and is not changed until a test piece of mail has been received.  No one has the right to cut off the lock.  She lives on the corner of Johnson and Reeds Creek Road and is willing to help anyone who arrives here but does not have the current combination.  Landowners who destroy the locks or signs will be billed.  Pat Young pointed out that contractors can’t always be met by distant landowners.  Kim Rowe said that in these cases it is fine for the contractors to know the combination, but the landowners are still responsible for their unescorted guests.

Kim Rowe also mentioned that any landowner who has difficulties with the combination (due to bad vision or otherwise) can request a hard copy of the key.  She pointed out that the locks are for privacy and for protection against outside hunters.

LANDOWNER asked that everyone who uses the Barbie Dell gate (the north sector gate) make sure that the combination lock be looped through the key lock when they lock the gate.  She asked that everyone please leave the gates as they were.  There was some lively discussion about how to fix the lock on this gate and after a few minutes Kim Rowe said that if there was a particular requirement the association would get a welder out to modify the lock.

7)  Discuss and Approve Parameters for Future Power Installations in Red Bank Oaks:  Whether in the near or far future, if the power grid is brought in, will above-ground poles be allowed on those properties who want it or will all power be underground?

Pat Young stated that PG&E will not go underground on this acreage.  Kim Rowe clarified that power must go along road easements, whether above or below ground.

Motion:  To require that power go underground on association roads.

Motioned by Christine Davis            Seconded by LANDOWNER

Ayes:  11            Nays:  10            Abstentions:  1

Note – there was a lot of conflict about this motion, and votes were recounted several times.  However, the number of votes and abstentions adds up to 22, while there were only 21 landowner slips (one for each parcel, to a landowner or their proxy) distributed.

LANDOWNER said that it was too expensive to go underground.  LANDOWNER wanted to know who is paying for it.  He also wanted to make sure people were aware of the cost – he thinks it isn’t feasible to go underground.  Pat Young stated that we are one mile from power.  Kim Rowe immediately stated that this was incorrect.  Pat Young became very upset and threatened to sue.  At this point Kim Rowe suggested that the question be put to the landowners in the next mailing, since the vote was so close.

Motion:  To put the previous motion to a vote where all landowners can voice their opinion.

Motioned by LANDOWNER            Seconded by LANDOWNER

Ayes:  19            Nays:  2

LANDOWNER wanted to know who will do the wording.  Kim Rowe replied that it would be the responsibility of either herself, as President or of Christine Davis, as Secretary.

8)  Power Update:  An update on Ms. Patricia Young’s power proposal

At first Pat Young followed up on the previous agenda item, and asked why anyone should do anything as a private party when people want the power to go underground.  Then she gave her update.  She said that power is one mile from the subdivision.  They are putting in a two mile leg now – they just got the right away for this along Red Bank Road.  They already have the easement to get to the creek.  She was not specific about all of the parties involved, nor did she address the inconsistency implied by her statements (power must actually still be three miles away right now).  She reverted to talking about the previous agenda item, and asked how many people want power.  About half of the landowners present said that they do.

Pat Young said to go to pg&e.com to fill out a free application to show your interest in power coming to Red Bank Oaks.  She emphasized this point several times. She spoke about how “my husband and I started this place,” and then spoke about the fact that the roads are owned by the association, and that the easements go along the roads.

At this point Kim Rowe broke in and asked Pat Young to return to her power update.  Pat Young stated that the money from Mr. Ono is in for the survey.  The survey will cover the land from Red Bank Road to his property, and will dictate the cost of putting in power.

Wanda at PG&E is our contact at our local office.  The applications from the on-line form will go to her.  Pat Young told us that Wanda may be moving on, and that there are lots of changes at PG&E right now.  Although Pat Young did not have the number for the office with her, she said that it is in the phone book.

LANDOWNER said that he spoke to Wanda recently and there are two ways to bring power in.  In the first scenario, the person who initially purchases it pays a premium and then whenever someone attaches they get money back.  In the second scenario the person who initially purchases it pays a reduced rate and then doesn’t get reimbursed when others attach.

LANDOWNER asked how far in to Red Bank Oaks the power would be.  Since it costs $25-$50/foot we should look at more sustainable options, like solar.  She herself has a solar installation.  Pat Young asked her how much it had cost her to put it in.  LANDOWNER responded that it was approximately $50,000 over four years but said also that there are much less expensive options available.  She said that right now we have the money to give a plug and play 24V system to each interested landowner.

9)  New Combination for Entry Gates:  Gate combination will be X-X-X-X effective November 1, 2007

Kim Rowe emphasized that the combination is never changed until the mail has been received by the landowners.  This year everyone should have received a small card with the new combination on it included in the mailing of the agenda for this meeting.

10)  Nominations for 2007-2008 Board of Directors, Red Bank Oaks

ANY Red Bank Oaks Landowners who wish to offer their services and run for the Board can contact Red Bank Oaks at any time.  A listing of the landowners who indicate they wish to offer their services is provided in the meeting notices mailed out just prior to the October meeting.  This allows landowners to preview potential nominees prior to the meeting. Landowners are then nominated for the Board at the meeting by their fellow landowners.  The slate of nominations may contain as many landowners as are nominated.  The slate of nominations is then put forth to the landowners for a vote.  Candidates receiving the highest number of votes up to the number of directors to be elected are elected.  Any vacancy among the Board of Directors may be filled by appointment by the Board of Directors. Each Director shall be elected for the term of one year but shall continue to serve until his successor is selected.  ALL five (5) Board of Director positions are open.

Nominees:  Kim Rowe, Pat Young, Miguel Tarazon, David Weston, LANDOWNER, Christine Davis, and Erik Kirk

Motion:  To put the slate of nominees forward for a vote.

Motioned by LANDOWNER            Seconded by LANDOWNER

Ayes:  21            Nays:  0

11)  Vote for 2007-2008 Board of Directors, Red Bank Oaks

There were not enough landowners represented at the meeting to vote for the new board (we need a majority of 35 at least for this).  A voting card for this will be included with the next mailing.

12)  Establish a Vision for the Future of Red Bank Oaks and Discuss How to Make that Vision a Reality

LANDOWNER said that the government is endorsing green building; Red Bank Oaks should support sustainable energy, green housing, road upgrades that promote clean water runoff, and other sustainable technologies.

Pat Young would like to see a friendly community.

LANDOWNER does not want to see Red Bank Oaks become like Rancho Tehama (lots of mobile homes, drugs, etc.).

LANDOWNER would like to see more strength in the by-laws to protect us from unscrupulous board members (although there are not necessarily any now).  He thinks that we are very vulnerable.

Christine Davis suggested that we write to some of the absentee landowners.  Kim Rowe suggested that a committee be created for this.  Pat Young, LANDOWNER, and LANDOWNER volunteered for this.  It was put to a vote by the board, and all were in favor except Christine Davis.  LANDOWNER suggested that we use phones, but it was then pointed out that we have phone numbers for only a few landowners.  The charter for this new committee is to ask for participation from all landowners, without influencing their views.

Kim Rowe closed with the suggestion that everyone look at Rancho Tehama.

13)  Good of the Order:  Open forum for landowners to present information or discussion to benefit all other landowners.  The board of directors will establish a time limit for the open forum.  No items will be voted on during the open forum.  Any discussion topics which arise and require action of the board will be placed on the agenda for the next regular meeting of the board.  All landowners are asked to speak in turn, not exceed 3 minutes when speaking, and maintain professional behavior.

There were no items for discussion.

14)  Adjourn

Time: 3:00 P.M.

Prepared by:  Christine Russell Davis

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