2001, October 20


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Meeting Minutes

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20 October 2001



The Red Bank Oaks Property Owners Association’s Fall Meeting was called to order at 2:30pm.  A sign-in sheet was passed out, names were verified, and voting slips with the names of the owners and their parcels were also distributed.  There were two (2) proxies submitted – and there were twenty-one (21) owners actually present, a total of (23).  Thirty-five (35) are required for a quorum.  Enclosed is a copy of the Sign-in sheet.

Motion to approve the Agenda:  LANDOWNER; Second:  LANDOWNER.

Vote:  For - 19          Against – 0


Audience comments on matters within the jurisdiction of the Board:

  1. Kudos to Kim and the Board-for the excellent job they have done.

  2. As reiterated by Kim; the board exists only for the benefit of the landowners.  We are not here to serve ourselves.  We do, however, need all to participate.

  3. The gate locks keep disappearing as the owners do not get out each time and Re-lock after they have passed through.  We are considering welding the lock to the Chain.  There are also other methods that don’t require welding.


Treasurer’s Report:  (David Weston)  Grazing revenues.  CATTLEMAN owes for June and is waiting for his own monies due him.  Payment due for November is $11,413.23.  Legal matters:  Favorable judgments were obtained and appeals have run their course.  Now, we have to collect the funds.  Main problem is that the landowners have not returned their list of assets, thus the Association is unable to place a lien on properties.  A total of $5600.00 is due at this time.  Enclosed is a copy of the Treasurer’s Report.  Motion to accept the Treasurer’s Report:  LANDOWNER; Second:  LANDOWNER

Vote:  For -21          Against – 0


Road Maintenance:  (Kim Rowe)  Road maintenance was the #1 concern of landowners.  Since three years have elapsed  since the last roadwork was done, 11 loads of gravel were used for widening Entry Drive and fixing up feeder and ridge roads.  We urge owners to contact our president if they think other work is needed.  LANDOWNER pointed out that we need channels in the berms so that water can run off properly.


Implementation of Assessments for Fenced Acreage:  It is important that we ascertain the correct acreage fenced.  It will be assumed that all 40 acres are fenced unless the owner permits a survey and can thus prove otherwise.  We will assess accordingly and put action into Policy, not in the CC&Rs.  Motion to Adopt this Method to determine acreage fenced:  LANDOWNER; Second:  LANDOWNER

Vote:  For – 20          Against – 0


Procedure to be implemented to ensure assessments are paid:  A bill will be sent December 1st; 2nd request on December 10th; then 90 days grace before a suit will be filed against delinquent owners in Small Claims Court.  A lien will then be placed on the property.  The process will be left to the discretion of the Board.  Motion to adopt this procedure to ensure Assessments are paid:  LANDOWNER; Second:  LANDOWNER.

Vote:  For – 18          Against – 0


Reservoir Investigation Update:  (Kim Rowe)  Copy of the Update is enclosed.


Amendments to the CC&Rs:

  1. To reflect the number of Board members as 5 versus 3, bringing the CC&Rs in line with Articles of Incorporation which identifies the number of Board members as 5.  Since a quorum is needed for this vote, a motion was presented to place the issue to a vote by the membership.  Motion:  LANDOWNER; Second:  LANDOWNER.


  1. To reflect the Association’s real ability to set aside 2/3 (two-thirds) of grazing Revenue while supporting the expense of maintaining Association roads.  Each parcel to be accorded a one-time subsidy for producing electricity.  Each owner will be paid 23% of the cost up to $1100.00 – Association funds in the amount of $75,900 will be reserved for this purpose only.  Remaining funds will be used as determined by the Board of Directors, not to exceed $10,000 per year on the average.  Since a quorum is needed for this vote, a motion was presented to place the issue to a vote by the membership.  Motion:  LANDOWNER; Second David Weston


  1. Actual process of amending CC&Rs to reflect real ability to set aside 2/3 (two-thirds) of grazing revenue.  Motion to put this issue to a vote by the membership.  Motion:  LANDOWNER; Second:  LANDOWNER.


Cattle Corral on LANDOWNER'S property and long term lease for location and usage.  Motion to enter into a long-term contract – Association to pay LANDOWNER the sum of $200.00 per year.  Motion:  LANDOWNER; Second:  LANDOWNER

Vote:  For – 20          Against – 0


Lock Combination:  Beginning January 1, 2002     #X-X-X-X


Entry Drive Security:  Discussion as to dealing with the problem of owners leaving the gate open.


LANDOWNER presented a letter from LANDOWNER wherein he offered to allow a solar system be set up on his land for parcels to tie into the system.  The Association appreciated his offer, but declined as we are not ready at this time.


LANDOWNER moved to nominate Miguel Tarazon as Member-At-Large.  LANDOWNER seconded.  Motion to put the nomination to the vote of the membership:  LANDOWNER; Second:  LANDOWNER




Minutes respectfully submitted:

Beatrice M. Garcia, Secretary

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Last modified: 02/21/09