1981, July 21


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Meeting Minutes

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21 July 1981



July 21, 1981

Red Bluff, California


Special Meeting of Ridgecreek Property Owners’ Association.




       Meeting was called to order by President, Haskel H. Young on July 21, 1981 at 10:00 am at the Red Bank Oaks Ranch Headquarters.  Minutes of the October 14, 1980 and November 24, 1980 meetings were read.


       New business was the discussion of the July 6, 1981 letter received from PG&E giving permission for the powerlines to be extended at our expense from Johnson & Joint Roads to Red Bank Oaks Subdivision.


       A motion was made and carried that 2/3 of the Cattle Grazing Money be used to extend electricity to all parcels in the Red Bank Oaks Subdivision.  This money is not to be used for any other purpose until electricity is available to all parcels.  This is to be put in the form of a recorded amendment to become effective January 1, 1982.


       There was a discussion of changing the name from Ridgecreek Property Owners’ Association and it was agreed unanimously to change the name to Red Bank Oaks Property Owners’ Association.  This is to be added to the above amendment.


       Being no further business, the meeting was adjourned.


Respectfully submitted.




Patricia A. Young


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Last modified: 02/21/09