2002, April 27
Red Bank Oaks Meeting Minutes 27 April 2002
The meeting started at 3:00PM. Present were: Kimberly Rowe, President; Ed Mehrer, Vice President; David Weston, Treasurer; Bea Garcia, Secretary; Miguel Tarazon, Adjutant.
I. The Board voted to approve the much improved Bylaws. The sections dealing with Proxy votes and Meetings were expanded so as to yield much more cohesive and comprehensive statements which accurately reflect actual process and intent.
II. In recognition that CATTLEMAN has been a part of the Red Bank Oaks family for some time, that hard times can befall anyone, and that he is also losing grazing lands due to fenced parcels, the Board voted not to terminate the lease, but to explore the possibility of a one year lease instead. Kim will contact CATTLEMAN and talk over the situation. Further action, and other options, will rest upon their decision.
III. Regarding fenced land assessments and the problems of collecting payments due, the Board voted to collect the monies owed for the fenced lands and send them directly to CATTLEMAN. The issue of the pigs was addressed with the Board deciding to put the matter up to votes with input from CATTLEMAN.
IV. The issue of abandoned debris was discussed at some length. All parcels were considered, with special attention to the parcel owned by LANDOWNER. The county has also been involved with one other parcel. There are important safety, environmental and sanitation issues as well as trash or “clutter.” There are also legal issues, i.e. abandoned cars, out of code. It was decided to leave things alone if sanitation, safety, and harm to the environment were not involved. The Board will continue to be uninvolved unless they are complained to by several people or action groups. The Board is also, however, an entity designated through the bylaws to protect the value of the property as well as the environment. The Board will send a paragraph presenting its position to all members. “We will uphold the CC&Rs, but we encourage the landowners to deal with these issues themselves – In a reasonable manner, face to face, and using compromise and good faith. If the problem cannot be resolved, and it involves safety, sanitation, and the environment, the Board will intercede.”
V. Generator lien on LANDOWNER: LANDOWNER has made no payments. The Association has a lien on his land, but this is only effective if LANDOWNER sells, and he states he has no intention of doing so. The Board voted to make one last attempt to secure payment by writing him a thirty day notice of intent to pursue a Writ of Execution. If he still has not paid after thirty days, the Board will then consider pursuing the Writ of Execution.
VI. Improvements to the North Sector and Entry Drive: The Board voted to send notices to landowners that the gates will be locked – “the new combination is enclosed.” The Board also voted to have three signs made – dealing with vandalism, theft, security, etc. The signs will be posted at Entry Drive and North sector entrances. The signs will cost a total of $181.24.
VII. Regarding Power Subsidy funds: The Board decided that LANDOWNER will get $1100.00 only, not funds for repairs. In regard to LANDOWNER and his wife, the Board decided they would get no money as they have no system. The Board further voted for clarification and definitive rules regarding the distribution of subsidy funds. The subsidy will be given one time only per parcel; each parcel must have its own system, i.e. one system per parcel; there must be a visual inspection including make, model, serial number, and the name of the owner of the parcel. The subsidy is for Red Bank Oaks property only. Last, if property is sold, only one owner receives the subsidy – from beginning to the end.
VIII. Road maintenance: The Board voted to instruct the grader to stop work until finances could be tallied up. We will keep current.
Added items: The fencing assessments and problems of collecting monies due will be emphasized more strongly at the October meeting. This will be on the Agenda. One landowner has chosen to leave the gates open rather than pay the $10.00 per year. The corral issue remained open as the property must be close to the road, and it is unknown whose property the corral will be on.
The meeting was adjourned at 4:45PM.
Beatrice Garcia, Secretary |
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Red Bank Oaks Property Owners' Association