2007, April


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Meeting Minutes

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21 April 2007


1)   Call to Order:  Time:  1:35pm


Board members present:  Kimberly Rowe, David Weston, Christine Davis, Miguel Tarazon, and Pat Young.


Landowners Present:  A copy of the sign-in roster is included.


2)   Seat the New Board


President:  Kimberly A. Rowe

Vice President:  Pat Young

Secretary:  Christine Davis

Treasurer:  David Weston

Adjutant:  Miguel Tarazon


The new board was seated unanimously (29 ayes, 0 nays).


3)   Approval of October 21, 2006 Meeting Minutes


The approval was motioned by LANDOWNER, seconded by David Weston, and approved unanimously (29 ayes, 0 nays).


4)   Approval of Agenda (Add-Ins or Deletions)


Pat Young asked that the question of power be added to the agenda.  Pat Young and LANDOWNER asked that a discussion of our current insurance costs be added to the agenda.  The approval of the agenda was motioned by Pat Young, seconded by LANDOWNER, and approved unanimously (29 ayes, 0 nays).


5)   Treasurer’s Report


The treasurer gave a summary of our current financial situation.  Taxes are filed and current.  CATTLEMAN has paid to date.  If you have any questions about uncommitted funds, please ask David Weston directly.  He can be reached at treasurer@redbankoaks.org or via the association mailing address.  A copy of our budget versus actual costs, the balance sheet and the profit and loss statement through 4/30/07 are included in this mailing.


6)   Update on Approved Road Maintenance Signs


Three new road signs have been created.  One is displayed on each entry gate, and one is being held in reserve.  It cost approximately $179 for all three.  The exact text on the road signs is as follows:




Practice reasonable diligence by assessing conditions prior to travel.

Roads may be slippery or otherwise impassable, especially during winter.

These roads are privately owned.  They inure to the benefit of landowners only for ingress and egress.

They are not for public use.

Vehicles left unattended on these roads will be towed at owner's expense and fines may apply.



7)   Amend Bylaws:  Recommend deletion of duplicate paragraph 4.08.  This paragraph already exists as paragraph 3.03.


It turns out that only the on-line version of the bylaws is incorrect, so the bylaws do not actually need to be amended.  David Weston motioned to have the on-line version be corrected, Pat Young seconded, and the motion was approved unanimously (29 ayes, 0 nays).


8)   The Future of Red Bank Oaks


Kimberly Rowe initiated a discussion of the future of Red Bank Oaks.  Sometime soon she will be resigning from her position on the board and selling her parcels, so, as current president, she would like the other landowners to spend some time thinking about and discussing the future of Red Bank Oaks.  She made the following points:


- She has repeatedly been asked to personally represent specific landowners' interests.  The landowners at previous meetings have voted down allowing the board to act on properties in violation of county ordinances; subsequently, the association has no authority and the board has no responsibility to police properties.

- Some of the people who actually live on their parcels were taking responsibility, but they're leaving.

- One example of the things that happen is the toilet in the creek.  Absentee landowners were unaware of the toilet and the board was restricted by landowner votes at previous meetings from taking action on the property.  The county was eventually notified by individual landowners and made the landowner remove the bucket that was actually sitting in the creek, but the toilet itself is still beside the creek.

- One option for giving authority to the association and/or the board is to create a second rulebook (not the CC&R's) with a vote from a majority of the landowners.  Another option is to actually modify the CC&R's.


She then asked us what we want for Red Bank Oaks.  A long and lively discussion ensued.  Here is a summary of the commentary and a list of the motions that were made.


There was an initial assertion that if we maintain the roads and bring power to Red Bank Oaks we will attract more desirable people and make property values go up.


There were offers from various individuals to help out when needed.  Some view these problems as the responsibility of the landowners (but they're not taking responsibility), while others see them as the responsibility of the county.  The existing sense of community amongst the association landowners was pointed out, and it was suggested that all landowners have access to the phone numbers of the other landowners, to encourage the sense of community and to facilitate the ability of individuals to call on their fellow landowners.  This sentiment was echoed by many.  The legality of this was discussed, and Kimberly Rowe pointed out that anyone can go to the county and get a full list of everyone's name, address, and parcel number(s).  However, phone numbers are a private matter and must be voluntarily provided by landowners for distribution to other landowners.


Pat Young motioned that we contact all landowners and request their phone numbers for distribution to the other landowners.  The text will include the exact phrase "we're trying to establish friendship between neighbors."  LANDOWNER seconded and the motion was approved unanimously (29 ayes, 0 nays).


The problem of absentee landowners was brought up.  Less than 10% of the landowners are in Red Bluff or nearby, and even fewer than that actually live on their property.  This means that friends of landowners or others can come into the properties and hunt and do what they will.  Abandoned junk ends up on various parcels simply because the owners of those parcels do not visit them often, and others must take action if they want the junk removed from their sight.  Miguel Tarazon summarized the absentee landowners' attitude toward the board and the association:  "they're going to run the meeting the way they want to - so don't bother."  The absentee group thinks that the board is beyond them.


David Weston brought the discussion back to the question of what the landowners actually want for the future of Red Bank Oaks.  Kimberly Rowe tried to summarize the sentiments expressed so far, which leaned towards 'everyone for themselves.'  There was general agreement, but LANDOWNER suggested that there be some sort of notification process that would go through the board.  It was stressed that the board needs support, but also that the landowners don't necessarily want the board to become policemen.  Discussion resulted in the following motion by LANDOWNER.  If presented with a complaint the board will notify the landowner of the concern in writing, anonymously.  It will then transfer one response back but there will be no more communications through the board after that.  LANDOWNER seconded the motion and it was approved unanimously (29 ayes, 0 nays).


LANDOWNER suggested that association dues be created to generate funds for road maintenance.  David Weston said that as a small association with volunteer board members, the scheme would be unworkable.  LANDOWNER asked if landowners could volunteer to put money into a specially designated road maintenance fund, with no restrictions on how the money was spent as long as it was spent on roads.  Kimberly Rowe discussed some of the legal issues regarding this.  LANDOWNER motioned to establish a road maintenance fund that may be contributed to by landowners.  The money in the fund must be spent by the end of the year, the board dictates where the money goes for that year, and it cannot be spent on anything but road maintenance.  LANDOWNER seconded and the motion was approved unanimously (29 ayes, 0 nays).


9)   [Add-In Items]:  Items may be added which require a full vote of the landowners.


Power Proposal - Pat Young


Pat Young went over some of the details of her power proposal.  As people were beginning to leave, the presentation was brief.  It was decided that written questions submitted (at the meeting) would be answered, by Pat Young, in writing.  A copy of these questions and answers had not been received at the time of this mailing.


Insurance - Pat Young and LANDOWNER


LANDOWNER wanted to know the cost of road liability insurance, and suggested that the new signs should eliminate the need for liability insurance.  David Weston indicated that this was not the case, and that it is difficult to determine what portion of the insurance money is going towards liability for roads specifically.  If anyone would like to be able to look over the policy (over 100 pages), let the board know and it will be available at the next landowners' meeting.


10)   Good of the Order:  Open forum for landowners to present information or discussion to benefit all other landowners.  The board of directors will establish a time limit for the open forum.  No items will be voted on during the open forum.  Any discussion topics which arise and require action of the board will be placed on the agenda for the next regular meeting of the board.  All landowners are asked to speak in turn, not exceed 3 minutes when speaking, and maintain professional behavior.


Discussion:  None


11)   Adjourn:  Time:  3:50


A motion to adjourn the meeting was made by LANDOWNER, seconded by David Weston, and approved unanimously (29 ayes, 0 nays).

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